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Rolls-Royce Expands Nuclear Operations With US Buyout

Rolls-Royce Holdings is expanding its nuclear energy operations with the purchase for an undisclosed sum of US engineering company PKMJ Technical Services. The acquisition aims to accelerate growth in nuclear services, London-based Rolls-Royce said in a statement today. Rolls-Royce already has nuclear services facilities in Williamson, New York ...

More Than 50% Of Local Leaders Back Japan Nuclear Restarts

More than half of the communities in Japan that host nuclear power plants are in support of reactors being restarted as long as their safety is assured by the government, a newspaper survey says. The ‘Yomiuri Shimbun’ survey, published yesterday, shows that 54 percent of the 135 communities ...

Nuclenor Ratifies Decision To Shut Down Garoña Over Taxes

The operator of Spain’s Santa María de Garoña nuclear power plant says its board of directors has ratified its decision to shut down the facility in northern Spain. Nuclenor, a joint venture between Iberdrola and Endesa, said last month that it would close the single-unit plant ahead of ...

Japan’s New PM Says Government ‘Will Endorse’ New Nuclear Plants

Japan’s new Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) prime minister Shinzo Abe has said for the first time that his government will endorse the construction of new nuclear power plants. Mr Abe said in a statement that he would take “a level-headed look” at what caused the March 2011 nuclear ...

January Newsletter No172

HOW NOT TO HANDLE NUCLEAR POWER AT THE CROSSROADS. Nuclear power is at the crossroads, according to the Paris-based Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). They can say that again. That certainly is the situation here in the UK as EdF approaches the moment of truth: Will it or won’t ...

2013 Nuclear Issues Vol 36 No1

Beyond design basis The acceptance of a GDA (generic design assessment) for the UK EPR (European pressurise water reactor) in December was reported by the press but nobody got particularly enthusiastic about it. We will have to make up for this because it is a very significant event. ...

Market Reforms Announced To Attract UK Nuclear Investment

Reforms to the UK’s electricity market including the introduction of “contracts for difference” are intended to help the country’s energy sector – including the nuclear industry – attract “record investment”, the government has said.

UK Intends To Deliver On New Nuclear, Energy Secretary Tells MPs

The sale of the Horizon nuclear energy venture to Hitachi was a “shot in the arm” for energy policy in the UK and shows that the government and the nuclear industry can deliver on a cost-effective, third-generation of reactors, the energy and climate change secretary has said. Giving ...

UK Announces ‘Landmark Agreement’ On Market Support For New Nuclear

The UK’s ruling coalition government has reached agreement on a number of key aspects of its forthcoming energy bill, including plans for almost eight billion pounds (GBP) (12.7 billion US dollars, 9.8 billion euro) of “market support” for new nuclear and other low carbon energy technologies.

UK Says EPR Design Issues Will Be Closed By End Of Year

Improvements in the quality and timeliness of submissions from Areva and EDF on outstanding issues concerning design approval of their UK European Pressurised Water Reactor (UK EPR) mean “closure of all issues should be achievable before the end of the year”, UK nuclear regulators have said.

November Newsletter No170

WE KNEW THINGS WERE DIFFICULT, BUT NOT THAT DESPERATE SONE exists for but one purpose: to promote civil nuclear power. With energy policy in its present parlous state, we were sooner or later going to have to review how we do so.

2012 Nuclear Issues Vol 35 No.11

The future of nuclear energy in the UK This report (July 2012) from the Birmingham Policy Commission, of the University, under the chairmanship of Lord Hunt, a former Minister of Energy, gives a valuable assessment of the challenges facing the UK if it is to build up its nuclear programme

October Newsletter No.169

IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN – BUT AT WHAT PRICE, INDUSTRY ASKS. Lord Hutton, chairman of the Nuclear Industry Association, told SONE’s AGM on October 22 that it was meeting at a watershed for nuclear power development in Britain with the French company, EdF, coming up to a major ...

2012 Nuclear Issues Vol 35 No.10

Shut down or safe low power? After a major natural disaster, such as an earthquake, the operators of nuclear power plants usually claim proudly that their reactors shut down automatically. There is a preoccupation with prevention of a reactivity accident. But is this necessarily the best condition for ...

BENE – Better Environment with Nuclear Energy

Civic-minded people interested in energy use and the impact it has for our economy and environment. We present the facts about nuclear energy.

The Nuclear Power Situation 2012

Nuclear power is the only form of electricity generation that meets all the Government’s objectives: security of low carbon supply at affordable cost. Without it, there is a risk sooner or later of a shortage of electricity supply that would have disastrous consequences for the economy.