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Investing in wind energy on a large scale is mistaken

Wind power as a source of electricity generation is widely seen as freely available. However, its weakness and unreliability are ill matched to the demands of modern society. (From a LinkedIn article.)

SONE Newsletter 275 - April 2022

Follow nuclear developments with World Nuclear News — Enthusiasm for nuclear energy is not confined to those who remember “Atoms For Peace” — “No More Radiophobia” by Theo Richel — Merchant Shipping (Nuclear Ships) Regulations — IOMP-ICRP Webinar — Coming to Terms with Nuclear Waste.

Coming to Terms with Nuclear Waste

Nuclear waste is nasty, but in nearly 70 years of operating nuclear power stations nobody has lost their life from coping with nuclear waste. Treated sensibly it is safe. The waste is a product of the fuel and, because the fuel is so energy-rich, the quantity is minute.

SONE Newsletter 274 - March 2022

Starting this month, we are posting separately the SONE monthly Newsletter and the substantive articles that were sometimes abbreviated to fit a printed letter. Each month the Newsletter will cover brief items of news and introduce the new longer pieces posted at the same time and available on the SONE website on the Articles tab.

A scientific and responsible view of a nuclear threat in war

In times of war misinformation can be dangerous and the subject deserves a wider discussion. It is a long time since the world received serious threats that included the words “nuclear” and “radiation”. How much weight should we attach to them?

You don't have to be a scientist to trust nuclear energy

As the world discusses sources of energy it is spooked by an eighty-year-old fear of ionising radiation and all forms of nuclear energy. But evidence from simple observation shows that this fear is simply misplaced and that everybody should be confident in making a future with nuclear power.

The Case for the Cultural Rehabilitation of Nuclear Energy

An exploration of the possible replacements for fossil fuels, their science and history. Evidently only nuclear energy can provide the energy required. Despite its exceptional safety this still carries a legacy of historical misunderstandings. These can be overcome through general re-education for the sake of future generations.

Nature, Energy, and Society

The nations of the world plan to stop burning carbon fuels, but have not fixed on the replacement. For social and economic confidence, they need to share a proper picture of the options. The world should look forwards to a heavy dependence on nuclear energy with a confidence, informed by natural science.

Nuclear energy and society, radiation and life – the evidence

The most effective source of carbon-free energy available on a large scale is nuclear and this would be accepted but for the general view that it is particularly dangerous. The scientific evidence does not support this long-held apprehension, but makes plain the need for a root-and-branch cultural change in attitudes to nuclear technology.

SONE Newsletter 273 - February 2022

A promised debate on funding nuclear waste — A reply in “Foreign Affairs” to an article by Allison Macfarlane — A review of “Lise Meitner – a Life in Physics”

SONE Newsletter 272 - January 2022

Long awaited news on funding — Plans for next generation UK reactors — Some well-aimed comments from previous Secretaries.

SONE Newsletter 271 - December 2021

A message from Rosie, a dog in New Zealand — Minutes of the AGM, October 2021 — News items — Some video links of interest.

SONE Newsletter 270 - November 2021

Brief report of COP26 for SONE — “Who put the lights out?”: From a report report on the Scottish electricity supply commissioned by Scotland Matters and published by

SONE Newsletter 269 - October 2021

Spectator podcast: “Why Fear Nuclear Energy?” — We Shall Not Burn Carbon? — An Expensive Failure? — Global Freezing — Update on Fusion — French Cable Interconnector — COP26 — Is the mood changing?

SONE Newsletter 268 - August 2021

UK Government policy — Raw materials and raw principles — Another big lithium ion battery fire — Resilience, the question people need to ask — The jury — Hydroelectricity and climate change.

SONE Newsletter 267 – July 2021

Natural Science and ignorance by Carl Sagan — High temperature reactors: a comment and a reply — The Nuclear Institute — The danger and inadequacy of lithium storage batteries — From the Dalton Nuclear Institute, Manchester.