Historic SONE Articles

Old articles retained for their historical interest

Nuclear Energy - The UK's Stable and Low-Carbon Energy Future

After 50 years of nuclear energy generation, we know that nuclear energy provides the future of safe, secure and low-carbon generation.

Horizon cleared to buy reactor com­po­nents for Wylfa Newydd

Horizon Nuclear Power has been cleared to begin purchasing major equipment for its proposed new reactor at Wylfa Newydd. The independent assessment organisation, Bureau Veritas, issued Horizon with a Licensee Certificate confirming that its internal arrangements are suitable...

NuGen joins UK nuclear industry delegation on trade mission to Japan

The UK-Japan Nuclear Industry Forum 2017 was held at the British Embassy in Tokyo this week, with companies from Japan and the UK meeting to discuss opportunities for working together more closely. Representatives from the UK nuclear industry – including NuGen and Toshiba, Britain’s Energy Coast Business Cluster.

Partnering to Build Wylfa Newydd

The supply chains of three countries came together this week to discuss how they can work in partnership to deliver Horizon Nuclear Power’s Wylfa Newydd project. At a two day event at the British Embassy in Tokyo, companies from the UK, Wales and Japan gathered...

First U.S. SMR regulatory application builds case for future NuScale deployment in UK

In a major step toward the deployment of the next generation of advanced nuclear technology, NuScale Power asked the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on December 31st, 2016 to approve the company’s small modular reactor (SMR) commercial power plant design. This is the first-ever SMR design certification application ...

Nuclear Industry Calls For Level Playing Field For All Forms Of Low-Carbon Technologies

The European Union should promote a level playing field for all forms of low-carbon technologies and make sure that all options available are taken into consideration without discrimination, the European nuclear energy industry association Foratom has said, in a response to the European Commission (EC) consultation on environment state ais guidelines.

Russia Partnership Is ‘Right Choice’ For Finland

Finland has one of the highest energy consumption rates per capita in Europe and teaming up with Russia to build a new reactor is the right choice if the country is to meet demand, Fennovoima project director Minna Forsström told NucNet. “In the mid-term, in the coming decades, ...

Japan Draft Budget Includes USD 6.2 Billion For Fukushima

Japan’s federal draft budget for the forthcoming fiscal year includes 652 billion yen (about 6.2 billion US dollars, 4.5 billion euros) for expenditure related to the decommissioning of the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant and the rehabilitation of surrounding areas. According to the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (Jaif), the draft ...

Standardisation Is Key To Reducing Up-Front Costs, Says NEI Head

The standardisation of new nuclear units being planned for the US will be the most significant factor in reducing up-front costs for reactors, the Nuclear Energy Institute’s (NEI) president and chief executive officer has said. In an interview with NucNet, Marvin Fertel said he doubted if the US ...

Market Reforms Announced To Attract UK Nuclear Investment

Reforms to the UK’s electricity market including the introduction of “contracts for difference” are intended to help the country’s energy sector – including the nuclear industry – attract “record investment”, the government has said.

UK Intends To Deliver On New Nuclear, Energy Secretary Tells MPs

The sale of the Horizon nuclear energy venture to Hitachi was a “shot in the arm” for energy policy in the UK and shows that the government and the nuclear industry can deliver on a cost-effective, third-generation of reactors, the energy and climate change secretary has said. Giving ...

UK Announces ‘Landmark Agreement’ On Market Support For New Nuclear

The UK’s ruling coalition government has reached agreement on a number of key aspects of its forthcoming energy bill, including plans for almost eight billion pounds (GBP) (12.7 billion US dollars, 9.8 billion euro) of “market support” for new nuclear and other low carbon energy technologies.

UK Says EPR Design Issues Will Be Closed By End Of Year

Improvements in the quality and timeliness of submissions from Areva and EDF on outstanding issues concerning design approval of their UK European Pressurised Water Reactor (UK EPR) mean “closure of all issues should be achievable before the end of the year”, UK nuclear regulators have said.

BENE – Better Environment with Nuclear Energy

Civic-minded people interested in energy use and the impact it has for our economy and environment. We present the facts about nuclear energy.

The Nuclear Power Situation 2012

Nuclear power is the only form of electricity generation that meets all the Government’s objectives: security of low carbon supply at affordable cost. Without it, there is a risk sooner or later of a shortage of electricity supply that would have disastrous consequences for the economy.

Letter to the Irish Times

Sir, – In his letter, [May 9] Breandán Ó Mathúna rightly points out the disadvantages of the seemingly inexorable march of wind turbines. He notes that those driving these projects stand to earn millions, and care nothing about the destruction of the Irish landscape. Furthermore, they care nothing ...

The Case for Nuclear Power

1 – Nuclear power is safe Not a single death reported from a nuclear accident in the UK in more than 50 years’ operation. The safety system worked at Three Mile Island in the USA and the community was not affected. The Chernobyl disaster caused the deaths of ...

Power Cuts in the Making

A modern economy – indeed, a civilised society – depends on adequate supplies of energy and especially electricity when they are needed. It cannot function without them. And for the last 70 years or so Britain has had the good fortune to have had 99% reliability in its power supplies.

Energy Prices

The only certainty in the energy field is that prices will continue to go up. Already about 6m are living in what is described as fuel poverty – that is, more than 10 per cent of their income is taken by energy bills – and British industry regularly warns that intensive energy users are being priced out of the country.

Letter to Alex Salmond

The Right Hon Alex Salmond First Minister Scottish Government: Dear Sir, It is I believe becoming clear to a rapidly increasing number of voters in Scotland that the Scottish Government’s concentration on so called renewable energy sources to the exclusion of more reliable and economic sources...

Letter to The Telegraph

Dear Sir, Your newspaper reported that National Grid had measured an increase in  electricity demand of 2,400MW after the couple reached Buckingham Palace after the marriage ceremony at 12.40pm – the equivalent of nearly a million kettles being turned on at the same time.

Japan incident shows that nuclear power is safe

Irish Examiner Saturday, April 30, 2011 REFERRING to the recent incident at the Fukushima nuclear plant, Adi Roche says “If one of the most advanced countries can’t cope with nuclear power, it proves how dangerous it is” (April 27). I would respectfully suggest to Ms Roche that the ...

Letter to The Irish Times

OPINION: Fukushima frightens us all but mankind has never walked away from a technology, no matter how hard it is to master, write DAVID SOWBY and FRANK TURVEY EVER SINCE a human being first lit a fire, humankind has striven to harness the forces of nature in ways ...

Letter to the Irish Independent

Professor Walton has drawn attention to the serious problem of Ireland’s future energy supply, and has pointed out the fruitlessness of relying on wind power to provide the solution. Coincidentally, last week the high-status Irish Academy of Engineering published its important report Energy policy and economic recovery 2010-2015.

The Looming Energy Crisis

Britain has known for several years that electricity supply was likely to be very tight over the next 10-15 years.

The great 80/50 carbon cull – a new labour for Hercules

This briefing note is one in a series prepared by Supporters of Nuclear Energy (SONE), in consultation with scientists and engineers, to bring some facts and perspective to energy-related issues that are being freely discussed by the public. One of these is the Government’s aim drastically to cut CO2 emissions.

Energy Conservation

This is one of a series of briefings prepared by SONE, in consultation with scientists and engineers, on energy topics for which exaggerated claims are made. Energy conservation is one of these.

SONE Podcast: Dr James Lovelock

An Interview with Dr James Lovelock, recorded in September 2004, with Dr Sue Ion.