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World Nuclear News

The Nuclear Institute – Announcement

The Nuclear Institute has announced the appointment of Alastair Laird as interim CEO.

EDF and MHI consider collaboration

French utility EDF and Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) have today signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for collaboration in civil nuclear power, including MHI taking a stake in Areva NP and joint development of the Atmea reactor design. The MOU was signed today in Paris by EDF ...

Areva outlines restructuring plan

France’s Areva today presented plans for the sale of a majority stake of its reactor business to EDF and a restructuring through the creation of a new company focused on the nuclear fuel cycle. The process is expected to be completed next year. In late July 2015, EDF ...

International support for rehabilitation of Chernobyl site

A crucial project at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can now proceed to its final stages thanks to additional pledges by the international donor community at a conference in Kiev yesterday. On the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl accident, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Donald Tusk.

James Fisher Nuclear Ltd

James Fisher Nuclear Ltd has been awarded a four year contract by Magnox to deliver a facility for the remote segmentation and packaging of the reactor core of the redundant Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor located at Winfrith in Dorset. This will be one of the largest value ...

UK capable of producing Westinghouse SMR vessel

The UK has the capabilities to produce the reactor pressure vessel for Westinghouse’s small modular reactor (SMR) design, according to an independent assessment by the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (NAMRC).

Sellafield Ltd strives to stay within budget in ‘crucial’ year ahead

The UK’s Sellafield Ltd plans to make efficiency savings to be able to work within its £2 billion ($2.85 billion) budget for the next financial year as the site “enters the most crucial period in its modern history”.

Japan’s Kyushu Electric Power Company

Japan’s Kyushu Electric Power Company completed loading all 157 fuel assemblies into the core of unit 2 of the Sendai nuclear power plant on 13 September in preparation for the reactor’s restart. The company expects to restart Sendai 2 before the end of this year. Unit 1 was ...

Three challenges for Areva

Areva faces three major challenges as it turns itself around from its record 2014 losses, company CEO Philippe Knoche said today. Those challenges are making sure that the company manages to complete large projects; making sure that it adapts to post-Fukushima market conditions, and making sure that it ...

A 12-week consultation

A 12-week consultation on proposals for assembling and presenting information on the geology of England, Wales and Northern Ireland to the public has been launched, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority announced today. It said the consultation on National Geological Screening is “an important step to ensuring that the public ...

Contract for Sellafield silo waste storage boxes

Metalcraft will supply 2200 high-integrity stainless steel storage boxes to store historic radioactive waste retrieved from a silo at the UK’s Sellafield site. The contract is worth up to £50 million ($78 million). The three-meter-cubed boxes will be used to store safely and securely historic intermediate-level waste (ILW) ...

Mini subs retrieve Sellafield isotope gear

Miniature submarines are being used to recover cobalt cartridges dating back to the 1950s from storage ponds at the UK’s Sellafield site. The cartridges were used for producing isotopes for medical and industrial applications. Sellafield Ltd estimates there are some 800 cobalt cartridges being stored in Sellafield’s Pile ...

Court ruling clears way for Sendai restarts

A court had ruled against a petition opposed to the restart of units 1 and 2 of the Sendai nuclear power plant in Japan’s Kagoshima prefecture. The units now look set to resume operation later this year, becoming the first of the country’s reactors to be restarted since the ...

Amec Foster Wheeler

Amec Foster Wheeler said today that it will provide an extensive range of nuclear services in decommissioning, waste management and site characterization across the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s nuclear sites. The contract – the value of which has not been disclosed – includes services to support a geological ...

Nugen announces public consultation

NuGen has announced that a ten-week public consultation on its proposed Moorside project near Sellafield in Cumbria, UK, will begin on 16 May. The company – a 60%/40% joint venture between Toshiba and GDF Suez – plans to build three Westinghouse AP1000 pressurized water reactors at Moorside by ...

Job cuts as final decision on Hinkley Point C remains

EDF Energy says it has almost completed early site preparation works for the planned Hinkley Point C project. However, pending a final investment decision (FID), some 400 jobs at the site are at risk. In a 1 April statement, EDF Energy said it has carried out extensive work with ...

Russia completes design of underground radwaste research laboratory

Russia’s national operator for radioactive waste management (NO RAO) has completed the design documents for an underground research laboratory to study the feasibility of final disposal of solid high-level radioactive waste (HLW) and solid medium-level long-lived wastes in the Nizhnekansky granitoid rock massif in Zheleznogorsk.

Magnox expands with merger of RSRL

The UK’s Magnox Limited and Research Sites Restoration Limited (RSRL) have today merged to form a single organization operating as Magnox Limited. The combined business will be responsible for 12 nuclear sites. Cavendish Fluor Partnership (CFP) – a joint venture between the UK’s Cavendish Nuclear, part of Babcock ...

Magnox expands with merger of RSRL

The UK’s Magnox Limited and Research Sites Restoration Limited (RSRL) have today merged to form a single organization operating as Magnox Limited. The combined business will be responsible for 12 nuclear sites. Cavendish Fluor Partnership (CFP) – a joint venture between the UK’s Cavendish Nuclear, part of Babcock ...

Finland starts building plug for repository tunnel

Posiva, the Finnish waste management company, said today it has started construction of a heavy plug for the demonstration repository tunnel at its final repository and waste encapsulation plant at Olkiluoto. The underground characterisation facility is known as Onkalo. The plug is required because a deposition tunnel must ...

Urenco gets US regulatory approval to expand Eunice plant

CLARIFICATION: An earlier version of this story implied Urenco USA would expand the LES facility to its new licenced capacity of 10 million SWU. This company’s plans are clarified below. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has approved a licence amendment allowing Urenco to expand its Eunice enrichment plant.

NuScale upper module mock-up completed

NuScale Power has completed fabrication and assembly of a full-scale upper module mock-up of its NuScale small modular reactor (SMR). The major components of the mock-up are: the upper portion of the containment vessel; the reactor vessel head; major piping (including steam and feedwater); the control rod drive ...

France’s larger reactors OK for 40 years, says regulator

French nuclear regulators have found no generic elements that would compromise the safety of the country’s 1300 MWe nuclear reactors over a 40-year operating life. Pierre-Franck Chevet, president of the Autorité De Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN), has notified nuclear operator EDF that to date, no generic issues have been ...

France’s larger reactors OK for 40 years, says regulator

French nuclear regulators have found no generic elements that would compromise the safety of the country’s 1300 MWe nuclear reactors over a 40-year operating life. Pierre-Franck Chevet, president of the Autorité De Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN), has notified nuclear operator EDF that to date, no generic issues have been ...

Argentina, Bolivia sign agreement to develop nuclear energy

Argentina and Bolivia have signed a cooperation agreement to promote and develop infrastructure and institutions for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the Bolivian ministry of hydrocarbons and energy said on 28 March. The agreement was signed by the head of the ministry, Luis Alberto Sanchez, and Argentina’s ...

A path towards innovating nuclear energy

At the heart of the modern energy debate is a struggle between the need for more energy globally, while simultaneously achieving lower emissions. Nuclear energy is uniquely positioned to help respond to these duelling necessities, but innovative advancements must overcome considerable barriers, writes Todd Allen. The topic of ...

UK Magnox site declared fuel free

UK regulators have confirmed that Sizewell A is completely fuel free. The decommissioning milestone marks the removal of 99% of the radioactive hazard from the former Magnox nuclear power station. Sizewell A’s two 210 MWe Magnox gas-cooled reactors operated from 1966 until 2006. Defuelling began in 2009, with ...

All eyes on Hinkley

The European Commission’s decision that the revised UK support package for EDF’s Hinkley Point C nuclear project is compatible with EU state aid rules does not necessarily provide an easy blueprint for subsequent projects. Other EU nuclear project sponsors and investors face a number of difficult issues that ...

Fuqing 1 attains full power

Unit 1 of the Fuqing nuclear power plant in China’s Fujian province has reached full capacity for the first time. Meanwhile, first concrete could soon be poured at the plant’s fifth unit, the first-of-a-kind Hualong One reactor. Fuqing 1 reached 100% power at 5.00pm on 7 November, plant ...

China, USA set post-2020 climate targets

The USA and China have jointly announced separate targets for greenhouse gas emissions over the next 10-15 years. They hope other countries will follow their lead so that a global climate agreement can be reached next year. US president Barack Obama and Chinese president Xi Jinping announced their ...

China and Canada expand cooperation

China and Canada have signed an expanded memorandum of understanding on nuclear cooperation, while the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and Candu Energy have agreed to cooperate on nuclear fuel development. The expanded memorandum of understanding was signed in Beijing by Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper and Chinese ...

Local consents for Sendai restart

The governor of Japan’s Kagoshima prefecture has given his approval for the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant. The plant looks set to resume operation early next year, having now received all the necessary local consents for this. Kagoshima governor Yuichiro Ito today approved the restart of ...

All eyes on Hinkley

The European Commission’s decision that the revised UK support package for EDF’s Hinkley Point C nuclear project is compatible with EU state aid rules does not necessarily provide an easy blueprint for subsequent projects. Other EU nuclear project sponsors and investors face a number of difficult issues that ...