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Japan’s Kyushu Electric Power Company

Japan’s Kyushu Electric Power Company completed loading all 157 fuel assemblies into the core of unit 2 of the Sendai nuclear power plant on 13 September in preparation for the reactor’s restart. The company expects to restart Sendai 2 before the end of this year. Unit 1 was ...

Three challenges for Areva

Areva faces three major challenges as it turns itself around from its record 2014 losses, company CEO Philippe Knoche said today. Those challenges are making sure that the company manages to complete large projects; making sure that it adapts to post-Fukushima market conditions, and making sure that it ...

Japan’s Sendai-1 Officially Resumes Commercial Operation, Operator Says

The Sendai-1 nuclear reactor in southwestern Japan returned to commercial operation at 16:00 local time yesterday, the first reactor to resume full operation in Japan since the March 2011 Fukushima-Daiichi accident. Operator Kyushu Electric Power Company said commercial operation began after a comprehensive pre-service inspection was completed. The ...

Fuel Loading Begins At Japan’s Sendai-2

Kyushu Electric Power Company has begun loading nuclear fuel into the second reactor at its Sendai nuclear station in southwestern Japan after completing a pre-service inspection of the unit, the company said in a statement. According to Kyodo News the unit is scheduled to restart in mid-October ...

A 12-week consultation

A 12-week consultation on proposals for assembling and presenting information on the geology of England, Wales and Northern Ireland to the public has been launched, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority announced today. It said the consultation on National Geological Screening is “an important step to ensuring that the public ...

IAEA Fukushima Report: Key Findings And Recommendations

A report published by the International Atomic Energy Agency assesses the causes and consequences of the March 2011 accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear station in Japan. The report considers human, organisational and technical factors and aims to provide an understanding of what happened, and why, so that ...

August Newsletter No203

SQUEAKY BUM TIME Twelve years ago Sir Alex Ferguson, then Manager of Manchester United, coined a somewhat earthy expression, one which reappears near the end of every football season. Sir Alex said it was “squeaky bum time” for those managing clubs at the top and bottom of the ...

2015 Nuclear Issues Vol 38 No 7 August

Why? For those who have been puzzled by the French government decision to close the nuclear reactors at Fessenheim on the border with Germany an interesting comment is provided by a Danish colleague, Bertel Lohmann Andersen, on how Merkel and Hollande avoided an embarrassing situation.

July Newsletter No202

Nine months ago the European Commission approved the Hinkley Point C State aid case and in my November 2014 Newsletter – my first – I welcomed the decision. I thought it was time to get behind the EDF proposal.

2015 Nuclear Issues Vol 38 No 6 July

Nuclear matters. Of course nuclear matters; it is a reliable source of secure non-carbon emitting energy, but because of an unwillingness to accept this conclusion it has been desirable, in the USA at least, to form a new organisation for this purpose.

German Energy Cooperative Ready To Submit Hinkley Point C State Aid Appeal

Ten companies including electricity suppliers and municipal utilities from Germany and Austria will in the coming days submit an appeal against the European Commission’s decision to allow state aid for the UK’s Hinkley Point C nuclear power station, German energy cooperative Greenpeace Energy said in a press statement.

June Newsletter No201

Three years ago the award-winning, innovative and much admired Sellafield Visitors Centre was shut down – damned as unnecessary and a drain on the taxpayer by the Government-owned site operator, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

2015 Nuclear Issues Vol 38 No 5 June

Chicken or Egg Which comes first? Does the availability of energy trigger economic growth or does growth require an increase in energy supply? A graph of energy and the economy, plotting annual changes in growth suggests that it is the first -smaller changes in energy supply precede larger ...

Council Endorses Plans For Higher Emergency Exposure Limit In Japan

The policy council of a Japanese ministry has endorsed plans by the nuclear regulator to increase the maximum annual radiation exposure limit for nuclear workers in emergencies to 250 millisieverts (mSv) per year from the current 100, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (Jaif) said. The proposal would allow ...

UK Should Have Public Ownership Option For Nuclear Plants, Says Report

A public ownership option should be introduced for new nuclear capacity in the UK, a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research says today. The report, which looks at who is paying the most to fund the environmental and social policies that are wrapped up in the ...

EPR Safety Valves Examination ‘Ongoing’, IRSN Says

An examination into the failure of safety valves related to the pressuriser of the Areva EPR reactor is “ongoing” and the conclusions have not yet been submitted to the country’s regulator, France’s Institut de Radioprotection et Sûrete Nucleaire (IRSN) said in a response to media reports about ...