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Nuclear Industry Welcomes G7 Pledge To Phase Out Fossil Fuels

The Group of Seven industrial powers’ agreement to cut greenhouse gases by phasing out the use of fossil fuels by the end of the century is an “admirable initiative” that means all clean energy technologies, including nuclear, will have a role to play in the future energy ...

Westinghouse Calls On Europe To Ensure ‘Level Playing Field’ For Nuclear

The European Union must ensure a political and regulatory level playing field for all low-carbon energy sources – nuclear, wind, solar, hydro – in the EU energy mix, Westinghouse Electric Company said today. The company, whose technology is the basis for approximately half of the world’s commercial nuclear ...

UK Energy Secretary Calls For New Nuclear Stations To Be ‘Beautiful’

The UK’s new nuclear power stations and other energy infrastructure projects must be “designed to look beautiful” to garner essential public support, energy secretary Amber Rudd told The Independent newspaper. Ms Rudd said that with the government hoping to build new nuclear plants in the coming years it ...

May Newsletter No200

LEARNING EXPENSIVE LESSONS Two significant reports have been released in recent weeks detailing the technical progress which has been made in dealing with the aftermath of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear reactor accidents. In both cases, progress has been substantial. Politically, however, the two events continue to have ...

2015 Nuclear Issues Vol 38 No 4 May

A correction In last months NI we muddled up the dates in the first item – ‘An uncertain future’. Sizewell B began operating in 1995, so that if the new Hinkley Point station were to start up in the mid 2020s there would be a gap of some ...

Magnox Announces Job Cuts At 12 UK Sites

Between 1,400 and 1,600 jobs are set to be cut across 12 Magnox nuclear sites in the UK up to September 2016 under restructuring plans announced by Magnox Limited. The company said the mission to safely decommission the Magnox sites has always predicted reducing staff numbers over ...

Japan’s NRA To Increase Radiation Limit For Nuclear Workers In Emergencies

Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority has decided to increase the maximum annual radiation exposure limit for nuclear workers in emergencies to 250 millisieverts (mSv) per year from the current 100, starting from April 2016, a statement said. The standard worker dose limit for Japanese workers is 50 mSv per ...

Nuclear Could Replace Fossil Fuels In Less Than A Decade, Researchers Say

The replacement of fossil-fuel electricity by nuclear fission at a pace which could limit the more severe effects of climate change is technologically and industrially possible, but whether this will happen depends primarily on political will, strategic economic planning, and public acceptance, researchers say. In a paper published ...

UK Company Wins £50 Million Sellafield Storage Container Contract

UK company Metalcraft has been awarded a contract potentially valued at £50 million (€69m, $78m) for the provision of stainless steel storage containers for nuclear waste at the UK’s Sellafield site in Cumbria, northwest England. Sellafield Ltd, the company responsible for decommissioning work at Sellafield, said Metalcraft was ...

Contract for Sellafield silo waste storage boxes

Metalcraft will supply 2200 high-integrity stainless steel storage boxes to store historic radioactive waste retrieved from a silo at the UK’s Sellafield site. The contract is worth up to £50 million ($78 million). The three-meter-cubed boxes will be used to store safely and securely historic intermediate-level waste (ILW) ...

Lower Fossil Fuel Prices And Slow Economic Growth Could Hamper Nuclear, Report Warns

Lower fossil fuel prices and slower economic growth in Southeast Asia will lead to a decline in global growth of nuclear and renewable energy sources, a report by energy company BP said. BP’s Energy Outlook 2035 report tested the assumption that the economies of China and India grow ...

Tepco Gets Go-Ahead For Testing Of Fukushima ‘Frozen Walls’

Japan’s Nuclear Regulatory Authority has approved the start of tests on impervious underground “frozen walls” at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear station site, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (Jaif) said. Tepco has been working on the walls as one way to deal with contaminated water coming from ...

April Newsletter No199

LIVING WITH THE LEGACY Nuclear waste storage and disposal in the UK is back in the news – and for once the news is good. Firstly, Parliament approved a change in the law which will make it easier to explore potential sites for an underground radioactive waste depository.

2015 Nuclear Issues Vol 38 No 3 April

An uncertain future Our last nuclear power station, Sizewell B began operating in 1966 ; it is possible if EDF plans go ahead, that the next may start operating by the mid 2020s, a gap of over 50 years. We can of course upgrade and extend the lives ...

Mini subs retrieve Sellafield isotope gear

Miniature submarines are being used to recover cobalt cartridges dating back to the 1950s from storage ponds at the UK’s Sellafield site. The cartridges were used for producing isotopes for medical and industrial applications. Sellafield Ltd estimates there are some 800 cobalt cartridges being stored in Sellafield’s Pile ...

Court ruling clears way for Sendai restarts

A court had ruled against a petition opposed to the restart of units 1 and 2 of the Sendai nuclear power plant in Japan’s Kagoshima prefecture. The units now look set to resume operation later this year, becoming the first of the country’s reactors to be restarted since the ...