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France’s larger reactors OK for 40 years, says regulator

French nuclear regulators have found no generic elements that would compromise the safety of the country’s 1300 MWe nuclear reactors over a 40-year operating life. Pierre-Franck Chevet, president of the Autorité De Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN), has notified nuclear operator EDF that to date, no generic issues have been ...

France’s larger reactors OK for 40 years, says regulator

French nuclear regulators have found no generic elements that would compromise the safety of the country’s 1300 MWe nuclear reactors over a 40-year operating life. Pierre-Franck Chevet, president of the Autorité De Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN), has notified nuclear operator EDF that to date, no generic issues have been ...

Argentina, Bolivia sign agreement to develop nuclear energy

Argentina and Bolivia have signed a cooperation agreement to promote and develop infrastructure and institutions for the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the Bolivian ministry of hydrocarbons and energy said on 28 March. The agreement was signed by the head of the ministry, Luis Alberto Sanchez, and Argentina’s ...

A path towards innovating nuclear energy

At the heart of the modern energy debate is a struggle between the need for more energy globally, while simultaneously achieving lower emissions. Nuclear energy is uniquely positioned to help respond to these duelling necessities, but innovative advancements must overcome considerable barriers, writes Todd Allen. The topic of ...

2015 Nuclear Issues Vol 38 No 2 March

The elephant in the room To mark his retirement from the paper the editor of the Guardian has commissioned a series of articles on threat of climate change as a consequence of the ever-increasing discharge of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil fuels. His ...

Belgian’s Support Nuclear As Part Of Energy Mix, Poll Shows

Comment & People More than 60 percent of Belgians support nuclear as part of the country’s energy mlix, with 75 percent saying they favour a combination of nuclear and renewable sources, a poll shows. The poll, published today by the Brussels-based Belgian Nuclear Forum (BNF), says 63 percent ...

February Newsletter No197

A CLIMATE CHANGE COMPROMISE This month has seen several important political initiatives – and one which seemed important on a first reading but amounted to very little. This was the joint pledge to tackle climate change signed by David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg in what one newspaper called “a rare show of unity”.

2015 Nuclear Issues Vol 38 No 1 February

Energy and Economic growth In explaining how the economy is tied to energy, with the leveraging impact of cheap energy creating growth, the American commentator on energy Gail Tverberg states that “In order for economic growth to occur, the wages of workers need to go farther and farther ...

Eight EU States Ask For Recognition Of Nuclear In Energy Union Policy

Policies & Politics Ministers responsible for energy in eight EU member states have written to the European Commission asking for a forthcoming action plan on EU energy policy to include nuclear power alongside other low-carbon technologies. The ministers of Romania, France, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia ...

UK’s NuGen Moves From London To Manchester

Plans & Construction NuGen, the UK nuclear developer, will next week move its main office from London to Manchester. The company, developing Europe’s largest new nuclear project in West Cumbria, said Manchester was chosen for its proximity to key stakeholders such as regulators and supply chain companies. NuGen ...

UK Regulators Declare Sizewell A Fuel-Free

Decommissioning UK regulators have confirmed that Sizewell A is completely fuel-free with 99 percent of the radioactive hazard now removed from the former nuclear station in Suffolk, eastern England. Sizewell A’s two Magnox gas-cooled reactors operated from 1966 until 2006. Defuelling began in 2009, with fuel removed from ...

UK Magnox site declared fuel free

UK regulators have confirmed that Sizewell A is completely fuel free. The decommissioning milestone marks the removal of 99% of the radioactive hazard from the former Magnox nuclear power station. Sizewell A’s two 210 MWe Magnox gas-cooled reactors operated from 1966 until 2006. Defuelling began in 2009, with ...

Fukushima-Daiichi Situation Remains ‘Very Complex’, Says IAEA Team

Decommissioning The situation at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear station in Japan remains “very complex”, with the increasing amount of contaminated water posing a short-term challenge and the need to remove highly radioactive spent fuel from the reactors that suffered meltdowns “a huge long-term challenge”, the International Atomic Energy Agency ...

Nuclear Accounted For Largest Share Of EU Energy Production In 2013, Says Eurostat

Plant Operation Nuclear energy accounted for the largest share of European Union domestic production of primary energy in 2013 with 29 percent, ahead of renewables (24 percent), solid fuels (20 percent), gas (17 percent), oil (nine percent) and non-renewable wastes (one percent), a statement released yesterday by the ...

January Newsletter No196

An energy world full of contradictions We live in a world of extraordinary contradictions, particularly if we work in the energy sector. In the UK a ten-year life extension for an important nuclear plant has just been announced while in Germany utilities have revealed that they are claiming ...

NRC Rejects Petition To Have Fukushima-Type Reactors Shut Down

Security & Safety The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has rejected a petition by an anti-nuclear group that called for the agency to suspend the operation of the country’s 22 remaining General Electric boiling water reactors with a Mark I primary containment system, which are the same as Units ...