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Rolls-Royce Wins Boiler Modification Contract For Dungeness B

Plant Operation Rolls-Royce has been awarded a contract by EDF Energy to carry out boiler modification work at the two-unit Dungeness B nuclear power station in the UK, to support proposed plant lifetime extension to 2028. Rolls-Royce said the scope of work covers design, supply of parts, installation ...

UK Strips Consortium Of Sellafield Contract

Decommissioning The UK government has stripped private consortium Nuclear Management Partners (NMP) of the contract to clean up the Sellafield nuclear site in Cumbria, northwest England. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) announced today that ownership of Sellafield Ltd, the company that manages and operates the ...

Heysham A-1 Returns To Grid

Plant Operation The Office of Nuclear Regulation granted permission for the Heysham A-1 nuclear unit in the UK to return to the grid after the discovery of a crack in a boiler spine in August 2014 led to it being shut down as a precautionary measure. The ONR ...

Argonne Joins Forces With Nuclear Industry On Next Generation Reactors

Research & Development The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory will work with three nuclear products and services companies on projects that it says could unlock the potential of advanced nuclear reactor designs, helping create a new generation of safer, more efficient reactors. The projects will ...

December Newsletter No195

Old king coal remains centre stage Ten years from now Britain will no longer be generating electricity from coal – not even coal from other countries – if the Liberal Democrats have their way. An industry which dominated the UK energy scene for centuries and with a post-war ...

2014 Nuclear Issues Vol 37 No 9 December

The need for nuclear development. The Government “Review of the Civil Nuclear R&D Landscape in the UK “ March 2013 said it all. “The capability in the UK’s national laboratories and industry is smaller and more fragmented than it has been in the past … fission R&D is ...

Ukraine’s Zaporozhye-6 Reconnected To Grid After Shutdown

Unplanned Events & Incidents Unit 6 at the Zaporozhye nuclear power station in Ukraine has been reconnected to the grid after the correction of a fault that led to its shutdown on 28 December 2014, operator Energoatom said. The Russian VVER V-320 unit is operating at 40 percent ...

Russia’s Rostov-3 Connected To Grid

Plant Operation Russia’s Rostov-3 VVER-1000 pressurised water reactor unit was connected to the grid on 27 December 2014, state nuclear power station operator Rosenergoatom said. Construction of Rostov-3, near the city of Volgodonsk in southwest Russia, began in 2009. The Rostov station already has two VVER-1000 pressurised water ...

Poll By New Industry Group Shows Support For UK Nuclear

Comment & People Fifty-eight percent of British adults support the use of nuclear power, including 21 percent who “strongly support” its use, according to a poll carried out by a new industry group. The poll, commissioned by New Nuclear Watch Europe, an interest group founded by the chairman ...

NRC Veteran Appointed Chairman

Security & Safety Stephen Burns, a 33-year veteran of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been designated by President Barack Obama as the commission’s new chairman with effect from 1 January 2015. Mr Burns, who has been an NRC commissioner since November 2014, will become the commission’s 16th ...

China’s Fangjiashan-2 Achieves First Criticality

Plant Operation The Fangjiashan-2 nuclear unit in Zhejiang province, eastern China, achieved first criticality on 25 December 2014, China National Nuclear Corporation said. Fuel loading at the Chinese-designed CPR-1000 pressurised water reactor unit began on 3 December 2014 and was completed ahead of schedule on 5 December 2014. ...

‘No Risk To Nuclear Installations’ In South Korea Computer Hack

Security & Safety Computer systems at South Korea’s nuclear station operator have been hacked, but only “non-critical data” was accessed and drills are being carried out to prevent it happening again, the company said in a statement. Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co Ltd (KHNP) said there was ...

Westinghouse Wins Sellafield Skip Handler Machine Contract

Decommissioning Westinghouse Electric Company has won a contract to deliver a second skip handler machine for the UK’s First Generation Magnox Storage Pond (FGMSP) facility on the Sellafield nuclear site. The skip handler is a rail-mounted, heavy-duty crane that operates above a used-fuel storage pond. The FGMSP ...

Union Calls For Restart Of Japan’s Reactors

Plant Operation Members of Japan’s National Nuclear Union are sending a letter to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry calling for the early restart of Japan’s 48 commercial nuclear reactor units, all shut down for safety checks following the March 2011 Fukushima-Daiichi accident. The letter calls ...

Sweden Sets Deadline For Introduction Of Independent Core Cooling

Security & Safety All nuclear reactor units in Sweden should have a system of independent core cooling installed by 31 December 2020, the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) has said. In a statement on its website SSM said independent core cooling reduces the risk of meltdown and major ...

EP Considers Nuclear As ‘Significant Alternative’ For Electricity Production

Policies & Politics Nuclear energy is “carbon-neutral” and continues to be “a significant alternative” for electricity production, says a draft report published on 11 December 2014 by the European Parliament’s (EP) committee on industry, research and energy. The report, an answer to the European Commission’s European energy security ...