Comment & People
Fifty-eight percent of British adults support the use of nuclear power, including 21 percent who “strongly support” its use, according to a poll carried out by a new industry group.
The poll, commissioned by New Nuclear Watch Europe, an interest group founded by the chairman of the House of Commons’ Energy and Climate Change Committee, Tim Yeo, found that only 22 percent of respondents were opposed to nuclear. It also highlighted the public’s interest in the safe operation of new technology. Of those polled 82 percent said this is a factor when thinking about supporting or opposing a new nuclear power station close to their home and 68 percent believe that it should be mandatory for non-EU companies to have a track record of safe commercial use in its country of origin before being permitted to build in Europe. In addition 76 percent of those polled say it’s important that these projects create jobs, second only in importance to safety considerations. Details online: