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Former US Energy Secretary Warns UK On New Build Policy

Comment & People Former US energy secretary and Nobel prizewinning physicist Steven Chu believes using a variety of reactor designs – as the UK looks poised to do – is not the best way to keep costs down. Mr Chu told The Guardian newspaper that although the British ...

Approval Expected For Six New China Reactors

Plans & Construction China is expected to give the go-ahead by the end of the year for construction to begin on six new nuclear reactors at three sites, the First Financial Daily reported. The three sites are Hongyanhe, Shidaowan and Fuqing. The only one of the three that ...

World Energy Outlook Warns Nuclear Industry On Decommissioning And Disposal

Decommissioning The nuclear energy industry needs to be ready to manage “an unprecedented rate” of decommissioning with almost 200 of the 434 reactors that were operating commercially at the end of 2013 to be retired by 2040, a report by the International Energy Agency said. World Energy Outlook ...

Russia Signs Agreement To Build Up To Eight Reactors In Iran

Plans & Construction Russia and Iran signed an agreement for the construction of up to eight new nuclear reactor units in Iran, the country’s official Islamic Republic News Agency said. IRNA said the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, signed the agreement in ...

IAEA Experts Have Approved Baltic EIA, Says Rosatom

Plans & Construction Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have confirmed that the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the Baltic nuclear power station under construction in the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad complies with international standards, Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom said. Rosatom said the IAEA’s ...

Russia Takes Major Step In Production Of MOX Fuel

Uranium & Fuel A Russian company has developed and manufactured a remotely operated welding system that will be used in Russia for the production of mixed uranium-plutonium oxide (MOX) fuel assemblies for nuclear power reactors. Moscow-based civil engineering company Nikimt-Atomstroy said the system is used to feed and ...

GDF Suez Plans Restart Of Doel-3 And Tihange-2

Security & Safety The Doel-3 and Tihange-2 reactor units in Belgium could restart “at the end of winter”, GDF Suez, owner of Electrabel which owns and operates the units, said today. A spokesperson for Belgium’s Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (Fanc) said “the statement by GDF Suez is ...

Fuqing 1 attains full power

Unit 1 of the Fuqing nuclear power plant in China’s Fujian province has reached full capacity for the first time. Meanwhile, first concrete could soon be poured at the plant’s fifth unit, the first-of-a-kind Hualong One reactor. Fuqing 1 reached 100% power at 5.00pm on 7 November, plant ...

China’s First HTGR To Be Completed In 2017

Plans & Construction China’s Generation IV demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), being built near the city of Rongcheng in Shandong province, will be completed in 2017, the ministry of science and technology said. The ministry also said the first layer of concrete for the 200-megawatt reactor project has ...

Russia Ships Second Tianwan-3 Steam Generator To China

Plans & Construction The second of four steam generators has been shipped from its construction site in Russia to the Tianwan-3 nuclear reactor unit under construction in in Jiangsu province, China, the engineering division of Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom said. There are two Russian VVER-1000 nuclear units ...

Poland’s Maria Research Reactor Successfully Uses Russian LEU Fuel

Uranium & Fuel. A working group of Russian and Polish experts has carried out post-irradiation examinations on two fuel assemblies with low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel used in Poland’s Maria research reactor. The group said the assemblies have remained intact and do not have any external deformations. The delivery ...

Operating Licence For Spain’s Trillo Renewed For 10 Years

Plant Operation The operating licence of the single-unit Trillo nuclear power station in central Spain has been renewed for a further 10 years following government approval. The approval followed the submission last month of a report by the Spanish nuclear regulator to the Ministry of Industry approving the ...

NRC Grants Licence Renewal For Crow Butte Uranium Mine

Uranium & Fuel The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has renewed the operating licence for the Cameco-operated Crow Butte uranium mine in Nebraska for a further 10 years. The licence now has an expiration date of 5 November 2024. An environmental assessment found there would be “no significant environmental ...

Installation Of Irrigation System Complete At Novovoronezh 2-1

Plans & Construction Installation has been completed of the irrigation system for the cooling tower at Unit 1 of the Novovoronezh 2 nuclear power station under construction in Voronezh Oblast, central Russia. The irrigation system allows efficient cooling of water coming from the turbine condensers. Novovoronezh 2-1 is ...

China, USA set post-2020 climate targets

The USA and China have jointly announced separate targets for greenhouse gas emissions over the next 10-15 years. They hope other countries will follow their lead so that a global climate agreement can be reached next year. US president Barack Obama and Chinese president Xi Jinping announced their ...

Russia Signs Agreement To Build Up To Eight Reactors In Iran

Plans & Construction Russia and Iran have today signed an agreement for the construction of up to eight new nuclear reactor units in Iran, the country’s official Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) said. IRNA said the head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI), Ali Akbar Salehi, ...