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Caesium-134 In Pacific Poses No Threat, Says Report

Unplanned Events & Incidents Levels of Caesium-134 found in samples of water taken from the Pacific Ocean off the US West Coast would have no impact on human health, fish or shellfish. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution reported that samples of water from 150km off the Californian coast ...

South Africa And China Sign Nuclear Agreement

Plans & Construction China and South Africa have signed an inter-governmental agreement that may lead to the use of Chinese technology for new nuclear reactor units in South Africa. Last month South Africa said it would sign strategic cooperation agreements with nuclear vendors and countries as it seeks ...

Russia ‘Willing To Help’ Peru Build First Nuclear Station

Plans & Construction The presidents of Russia and Peru have discussed the possibility of Russia building a first nuclear power station in the South American country. According to a Russian presidential aide, Vladimir Putin told Ollanta Humala that Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom would be “willing to help”. ...

Construction Progresses At Kursk Radioactive Waste Processing Plant

Plans & Construction Construction of the first of three sections of the radioactive waste processing plant at the Kursk nuclear power station in central Russia has been completed, Nikimt-Atomstroy, the company responsible for the project, has said. The completed section will process liquid radioactive waste and will be ...

China and Canada expand cooperation

China and Canada have signed an expanded memorandum of understanding on nuclear cooperation, while the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and Candu Energy have agreed to cooperate on nuclear fuel development. The expanded memorandum of understanding was signed in Beijing by Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper and Chinese ...

Bolivia And Argentina Agree To Increase Nuclear Cooperation

Plans & Construction Bolivia and Argentina agreed to strengthen cooperation on nuclear energy technology, reported the Bolivian News Agency. According to the agreement, the two countries will set up five working committees to explore bilateral cooperation on “nuclear energy and nuclear medicine programmes”, space, digital TV, meteorological radars ...

Belarusian Specialists To Audit Russian Suppliers

Security & Safety Belarusian specialists will audit several Russian factories manufacturing components for the Belarusian-1 and Belarusian-2 nuclear units being built at Ostrovets, the Belarusian regulator said. A statement said the visits would take place before the end of the year. In July 2012, Russia and Belarus signed ...

US Industry ‘Working With New Congress’ To Advance Nuclear Priorities

Policies & Politics The nuclear energy industry in the US has already begun to work with Congress on how to advance nuclear priorities through energy legislation next year, Alex Flint, the Nuclear Energy Institute’s senior vice-president for governmental affairs said in an interview posted on the institute’s website.

Sellafield ‘Working Non-Stop’ To Make Sure Ponds Are Safe And Secure

Security & Safety The condition of two open-air storage ponds built in the 1950s and 60s at the Sellafield nuclear site in England is well known and well understood, with work going on around the clock, seven days a week to ensure they remain safe and secure, the ...

Russia Presents Reactor Technologies To South Africa

Representatives of Russia’s reactor design and development company Gidropress met officials from South Africa’s Department of Energy to present reactor technology that could be used for new build in the country, including the Generation III+ VVER-TOI light water reactor design. Last month South Africa said it would sign ...

Russia Intends To Resolve Graphite Problems At All RBMK Units

Security & Safety The technology used to solve problems with reactor graphite swelling at the Leningrad-1 nuclear reactor unit in Russia will now be used to carry out similar work at other large RBMK units, state nuclear corporation Rosatom said. The corporation’s annual report said the successful repairs ...

New Book Points To ‘Overarching Lesson’ From Fukushima-Daiichi

Comment & People The overarching lesson learned from the March 2011 Fukushima-Daiichi accident in Japan is that nuclear plant licensees and their regulators must “actively seek out and act on” new information and hazards that have the potential to affect the safety and security of nuclear plants, a ...

‘Major Turning Point’ For Japan As Governor Approves Sendai Restarts

Plant Operation The governor of Japan’s Kagoshima Prefecture today approved the restart of the Sendai-1 and -2 nuclear reactor units after they became the first in the country to meet new safety standards imposed after the March 2011 Fukushima-Daiichi accident, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (Jaif) said. Yuichiro ...

Local consents for Sendai restart

The governor of Japan’s Kagoshima prefecture has given his approval for the restart of the Sendai nuclear power plant. The plant looks set to resume operation early next year, having now received all the necessary local consents for this. Kagoshima governor Yuichiro Ito today approved the restart of ...

Life Without Nuclear Is Not Realistic, Says Belgium’s New Energy Minister

Policies & Politics Claims that Belgium can do without nuclear energy are not realistic, Marie-Christine Marghem, the country’s new energy minister, said in an interview with the Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper. “If someone claims that our country can do without nuclear energy in the medium- and long-term, they ...

Iter To Enter New Phase After Completion Of Concrete Basemat

Plans & Construction Work at the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (Iter) at the Cadarache nuclear site in southern France is about to enter a new phase after it was announced that the concrete basemat that will support the tokamak complex has been completed. Fusion for Energy (F4E), the ...