All SONE articles

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Hoedemakers Becomes First Woman To Chair NEA’s Nuclear Steering Committee

Comment & People Marie‑Elise Hoedemakers, senior policy advisor for international nuclear affairs at the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands, has been elected next chair of the Nuclear Energy Agency’s Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy, replacing Richard Stratford of the US Department of State. Mrs Hoedemakers, who ...

China Expert Panel Backs Development Of Candu’s AFCR

Research & Development An expert panel in China said Candu Energy’s Advanced Fuel Candu Reactor (AFCR) should be further developed and that the proper time should be chosen to “initiate the construction of AFCRs”, Candu Energy said. The panel said the AFCR, which can use both recycled uranium ...

Candu R&D Centre Opens In Beijing

Research & Development Candu Energy of Canada and Chinese nuclear companies have opened an advanced fuel technology research and development centre in Beijing. China National Nuclear Corporation said the centre will be responsible for the strategic development of Candu research, fuel and isotope projects and technical support. Candu ...

Westinghouse Files Contempt Of Court Application Over Koeberg Documents

Plant Operation Westinghouse Electric Company has filed an application to the High Court of South Africa in Johannesburg, charging Eskom with contempt of court because of the utility’s failure to supply documentation the court said should be delivered to Westinghouse within five calendar days of 5 September 2014.

Slovakia Approves Long-Term Plans For Nuclear Expansion

Policies & Politics The Slovak government has approved a long-term energy plan based on a further expansion of nuclear power, cautious development of renewables, and reducing dependence on locally produced and imported coal. The framework reiterates the government’s target of building a new nuclear plant by 2030 at ...

Sellafield ‘Working Non-Stop’ To Make Sure Ponds Are Safe And Secure

Decommissioning The condition of two open-air storage ponds built in the 1950s and 60s at the Sellafield nuclear site in Cumbria, England is well known and well understood, with work going on around the clock, seven days a week to ensure they remain safe and secure, the Nuclear ...

New Book Points To ‘Overarching Lesson’ From Fukushima-Daiichi

Security & Safety The overarching lesson learned from the March 2011 Fukushima-Daiichi accident in Japan is that nuclear plant licensees and their regulators must “actively seek out and act on” new information and hazards that have the potential to affect the safety and security of nuclear plants, a ...

Kazakhstan And China To Increase Nuclear Cooperation

Plans & Construction China National Nuclear Corporation and Kazakhstan’s Atomic Energy Agency said they plan to increase cooperation in areas such as uranium supply, nuclear R&D and construction. Kazakhstan has already signed a preliminary agreement with Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom for the construction and operation of its ...

Cold Testing To Begin At China’s Changjiang-1

Plans & Construction China National Nuclear Corporation has been given permission by the National Nuclear Safety Administration to begin cold testing of the Chinese-designed Changjiang-1 CNP-600 pressurised water reactor in the southern province of Hainan. The approval was issued after experts conducted safety checks and inspections between 28 ...

October Newsletter No193

SONE, with new blood, working for a real nuclear renaissance SONE is to continue its efforts, subject to resources, to secure a substantial nuclear-powered future for Britain. It will do so with a partly new team. The AGM, held on October 20 at the Institution of Civil Engineers, ...

2014 Nuclear Issues Vol 37 No 8 October

SMRs and MSRs The similarity of the acronyms is confusing, but the two nuclear reactor concepts are quite different. Small Modular Reactors are seen as an alternative to the large water reactors now being built. It is argued that ever-larger reactors with their complex safety structure and systems, are examples of diseconomies of scale.

All eyes on Hinkley

The European Commission’s decision that the revised UK support package for EDF’s Hinkley Point C nuclear project is compatible with EU state aid rules does not necessarily provide an easy blueprint for subsequent projects. Other EU nuclear project sponsors and investors face a number of difficult issues that ...

September Newsletter No192

A call to arms: Your committee needs you If this year’s Annual General Meeting on Monday, October 20 does not entirely mark all change, SONE will nonetheless be seen to be gearing up for the future. First, the committee has appointed a new Secretary. He is Harold Bolter, ...

2014 Nuclear Issues Vol 37 No 7 September

Can we afford it? The horrendous cost of renewable energy is highlighted in a report for Civitas by Dr John Constable of the Renewable Energy Foundation who claims that, together with VAT, it “would bring the annual additional cost to consumers to upwards of £16 billion a year ...

August Newsletter No191

Three warnings of fragility of energy supplies Three events this month have combined to demonstrate the fragility of the world’s energy supplies and Britain’s in particular. The first was Angela Merkel’s dash to Kiev when yet another sub-crisis of Russia’s annexation of the Crimea boiled up with a ...

2014 Nuclear Issues Vol 37 No 6 August

People and the Planet This substantial, 132 page, Royal Society report of April 2012 is the work of 24 authors from 11 countries, and should be taken seriously. It gives an overview of the impacts of human population and consumption on the planet. Its concern is the continuing growth ...