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Westinghouse Plans Two New AP1000 Units For Utah

Westinghouse Electric Company and Blue Castle Holdings, a US energy infrastructure development company, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the development of two new AP1000 nuclear units in the state of Utah, Westinghouse said in a statement. Westinghouse said the two units are planned for a ...

July Newsletter No190

Methinks these soothsayers are slightly potty. While the good ship “Nuclear Power” is becalmed in the bureaucratic doldrums, there has been a flurry of excitement about David Cameron’s re-shuffle which saw 40 changes and brought in ten women – three into the cabinet.

2014 Nuclear Issues Vol 37 No 5 July

Our nuclear future “Use it or Lose it”. This paper by Candida Whitmill gives a rare, sensible assessment of the role of nuclear power in the UK both in its comments and the implied but unanswered questions it raises. (Civitas, Issue 11 June 2014).

Regulator Gives Go-Ahead For Restart Of Two Japan Reactors

Japan’s nuclear regulator has said that two nuclear reactors meet new standards put in place after the 2011 Fukushima-Daiichi disaster and can be restarted. The Nuclear Regulation Authority, in a 418-page report released today, gave Kyushu Electric Company preliminary approval to restart the two pressurised water reactor units ...

June Newsletter No189

A minister crying in the wilderness We live not just in interesting but incredible times. The Ukraine remains a threat to oil and gas supplies. The fragmentation of Iraq (and Syria) by a murderously fanatical Islamic agent known as ISIS has already raised the price of petrol.

2014 Nuclear Issues Vol 37 No 4 June

Avoiding Blackouts The warnings of future electricity shortages follow the failure of the private power companies to invest in sufficient new capacity. The National Grid is looking to save up to 330 megawatts (MW) of power demand capacity this winter and is offering to pay companies to cut ...

UK And China Sign ‘Landmark’ Deal On Nuclear Cooperation

The UK and Chinese governments have signed a “landmark” agreement which confirms that Chinese companies could own and operate a Chinese designed nuclear power station in the UK, provided they meet the stringent requirements of the UK’s independent nuclear regulator. The governments also signed a separate four-way civil ...

China Manufactures AP1000 Components To Westinghouse Criteria

China has successfully manufactured a steam generator and a reactor pressure vessel (RPV) for an AP1000 reactor and both have passed hydrostatic testing and meet Westinghouse’s quality criteria, the China State Nuclear Power Technology Company (SNPTC) has said. The RPV passed pressure testing on 8 June 2014 and ...

Japanese Economic Organisations Make Urgent Appeal For Reactor Restarts

Three major economic organisations in Japan have issued an urgent appeal for the government to accelerate the process of restarting nuclear power reactors whose safety has been confirmed, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum has said. The Japan Federation of Economic Organisations (Keidanren), the Japan Chamber of Commerce and ...

NEA Report Aims To ‘Dispel Myths’ Surrounding Uranium Mining

Uranium mining is one of the most regulated and safest forms of mining in the world, but remains controversial, principally because of environmental and health impacts associated with the early years of uranium mining, according to a new report by the OECD’s Nuclear Energy Agency.

Hong Kong Needs ‘Dedicated Nuclear’ From China, Says Society

Hong Kong’s electricity supply will be more reliable and cost-competitive if it increases the amount of nuclear energy it imports from China through dedicated transmission lines, the Hong Kong Nuclear Society said. HKNS said it supports using more nuclear energy, but buying electricity from the China Southern Grid ...

May Newsletter No188

Let us spread the nuclear message like Professor Fells Let us give thanks for Ian Fells. Newcastle Upon Tyne’s emeritus professor wrote a very simple letter to The Times on May19 in response to its leader a week earlier entitled: “Wanted: An energy policy”. He said: “You emphasise ...

2014 Nuclear Issues Vol 37 No 3 May

Prejudiced science. It is now possible to have some understanding of the doubts of the climate change skeptics and their criticisms of the IPCC scientists when some of the statements relating to nuclear power from the IPCC show a clear prejudice. This prejudice however is not surprising.

EC Proposes Diversification Of Fuel Supplies As Condition For New Nuclear

The diversification of nuclear fuel supplies could become a condition for any new investment in nuclear power stations to be built in the EU, especially when using non-EU technology, the European Commission says in its European Energy Security Strategy released today. The strategy, which the EC says was ...

France’s State Auditor Says EDF’s Nuclear Costs Are Increasing

EDF’s costs to produce nuclear power from its fleet of 58 nuclear reactors in France are increasing as investment needed to keep aging reactors safe over the next two decades could reach 90 billion euros (EUR) (123 billion US dollars), the state auditor said. “Production costs from the ...

Bern Voters Reject Bid To Close Mühleberg Immediately

Voters in the Swiss canton of Bern yesterday rejected an initiative to prematurely shut down the single-unit Mühleberg nuclear station, which is scheduled for closure in 2019. A clear majority of 63.3 percent said no to the proposal to immediately stop operation of the plant, which is owned ...