All SONE articles

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Nuclear energy and society, radiation and life – the evidence

The most effective source of carbon-free energy available on a large scale is nuclear and this would be accepted but for the general view that it is particularly dangerous. The scientific evidence does not support this long-held apprehension, but makes plain the need for a root-and-branch cultural change in attitudes to nuclear technology.

SONE Newsletter 273 - February 2022

A promised debate on funding nuclear waste — A reply in “Foreign Affairs” to an article by Allison Macfarlane — A review of “Lise Meitner – a Life in Physics”

SONE Newsletter 272 - January 2022

Long awaited news on funding — Plans for next generation UK reactors — Some well-aimed comments from previous Secretaries.

SONE Newsletter 271 - December 2021

A message from Rosie, a dog in New Zealand — Minutes of the AGM, October 2021 — News items — Some video links of interest.

SONE Newsletter 270 - November 2021

Brief report of COP26 for SONE — “Who put the lights out?”: From a report report on the Scottish electricity supply commissioned by Scotland Matters and published by

SONE Newsletter 269 - October 2021

Spectator podcast: “Why Fear Nuclear Energy?” — We Shall Not Burn Carbon? — An Expensive Failure? — Global Freezing — Update on Fusion — French Cable Interconnector — COP26 — Is the mood changing?

SONE Newsletter 268 - August 2021

UK Government policy — Raw materials and raw principles — Another big lithium ion battery fire — Resilience, the question people need to ask — The jury — Hydroelectricity and climate change.

SONE Newsletter 267 – July 2021

Natural Science and ignorance by Carl Sagan — High temperature reactors: a comment and a reply — The Nuclear Institute — The danger and inadequacy of lithium storage batteries — From the Dalton Nuclear Institute, Manchester.

SONE Newsletter 266 – June 2021

SONE website rebuilt — News from ‘Penultimate Power’ (UK) Ltd — Nuclear and NetZero — Glasgow declined! — You don’t have to be a scientist to trust nuclear energy — ‘Core Power’ at SONE AGM.

SONE Newsletter 265 – May 2021

How to get the nuclear message through to people. What is successful on social media, for instance? Here are some examples that did better than most. — A word from Bill Gates. — The Windjammers, a fanciful story for our time. — Core Power, less fanciful nuclear news for shipping.

SONE Newsletter 264 – April 2021

EU ruling on ‘taxonomy’. — Losses and hopes in the USA. — Hualong One and Two. — ‘Energy and Life with NetZero: Lessons from Covid-19’. — ‘Shorting the Grid’ by Meredith Angwin.

SONE Newsletter 263 – March 2021

SONE at COP26, Glasgow, 1-12 November 2021. — Oh, not the story of Renewables again! — The decline of the nuclear fleet. — Burial sites for wind turbines. — Discussing climate change with doubters. — The case for nuclear power in Japan and South Korea.

February Newsletter No262

Wise words from SONE’s Patron, James Lovelock. He may be right in saying that, after giving up fossil fuels, the world will go on messing about with renewables before giving them up for nuclear. But is there enough time? Also, Fukushima: a tragedy of misunderstanding ten years on

January Newsletter No261

This month the world turned upside down and as a result this Newsletter is late. A poor excuse, perhaps, but I hope that Members will find the items below stimulating and in some cases encouraging. Of course the choice is personal, but includes important points of view not readily found elsewhere.

December Newsletter No260

A very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all SONE members and their families Wise words from Professor Sarah Gilbert, developer of the Oxford/Astra­Zeneca Vaccine, echoing the sound advice of Marie Curie, long ago... “Don’t dismiss science, because science does so much for us.If you feel uneasy about science, go and understand the science. Go and find out what’s going on”.

November Newsletter No259

The good news – Sizewell C. “Boris Johnson is close to giving Sizewell nuclear power plant in Suffolk the go-ahead” we were told on November 5th. Sizewell C will provide 3.2 GW of electricity for 60 to 80 years – and 5.8 GW of waste heat in addition.